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Twilight RPG

Fampires club/Twilight zone\Virtual Forks city
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 Jasper Hale

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Admin & Vamyprė

Pranešimų skaičius : 93
Join date : 2009-04-04
Age : 26
Miestas : Alytus.

Jasper Hale Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Jasper Hale   Jasper Hale Icon_minitimePen. 04 10, 2009 4:17 pm

The Character

Name: Jasper Hale

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: Can manipulate the emotions of those around him

About Them: Jasper Hale, originally born Jasper Whitlock, is the adopted son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, adoptive brother of Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie, and husband of Alice. Due to his past, where he was able to feed on humans whenever he chose, Jasper lacks strong self-control. However, we also find that the "vegetarian" lifestyle is not Jasper's first choice and that this also affects his self-control. Tall with honey blond hair, muscular but yet lean, Jasper portrays his special ability well. Having learned at a young age as a human how to manipulate the emotions of those around him, his ability became exaggerated as a vampire. Now making him able to control the atmosphere of those he is around-calming tense people and other emotions that may be needed in his favor. His body is covered with crescent-shaped scars, after the many years of fighting, training, and executing newborn vampires. Jasper uses his ability to calm Bella when she is stressed or afraid. However, his lack of self control is evident as he attacks Bella after she gets a paper cut, prompting the Cullen family to leave Forks to protect Bella. Jasper again uses his ability to create a calm and un-tense atmosphere when he teaches the werewolves and vampires fighting techniques to defend themselves against newborn vampires.

Actor Biography

Name: Monroe Jackson Rathbone

Nick Name(s): Jay

Date of Birth: December 21st 1984

Height: 5’ 9 1/2”

Hair: Light Brown

Eye Color: Blue-Green

Fun Fact: Like the good Texan he is, Jackson's favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys.

Hometown(s): Singapore; Maydan and Jakarta, Indonesia; London; Connecticut; California; Norway; Midland, Texas

Career: Jackson’s acting career began involvement in the local community theatre when he was accepted into the youth actors program, The Pickwick Players. In high school he attended the prestigious Interlochen Arts Academy. There he grew to appreciate classical theatre and flourished in Shakespearean plays-he performed in the Southwest Shakespeare Festival as Ferdinand in The Tempest. Originally planning to attend The Royal Scottish Academy after high school graduation, he first tried a summer in Los Angeles, California. He never left, and Jackson hit up the television screen and some smaller movies until his break through debut in Twilight. His next appearances include S. Darko, Dread, and New Moon.

About Them: Monroe Jackson Rathbone was born in Singapore but has had the fortune to live all around the world. In his off-time from acting, Jackson continues to write music with Alex, performing at small open-mic nights and bookings. The two joined forces with other music producers in LA and San Diego to form Prolifik Productions and soon had a professional music studio built in their own living room. In what little free time he has, Jackson loves to watch and study movies, as well as listening to and studying music, which he has been doing most of his life. A folk and blues artist himself, he enjoys such musical talents as Robert Johnson, John Lee Hooker, and Steppin’ In It. Jackson enjoys playing his guitar and other musical instruments such as the harmonica. As an actor, Jackson looks to Johnny Depp as a sort of hero-his ability to transcend genres and being known as an actor first and celebrity second is what inspires Jackson to continue on with his dreams. He is close friends with Twilight co-star Ashley Greene and pro skateboarder/actor, Frank Miranda. Jackson once had an ear piercing at the age of 16 and a tongue piercing at 18 but both are gone now. He has one tattoo, is terrified of spiders, and Jackson is colorblind.
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Jasper Hale
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