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 Jessica Stanley

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Admin & Vamyprė

Pranešimų skaičius : 93
Join date : 2009-04-04
Age : 26
Miestas : Alytus.

Jessica Stanley Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Jessica Stanley   Jessica Stanley Icon_minitimePen. 04 10, 2009 4:19 pm

The Character

Name: Jessica Stanley

Type: Human

Special Ability: None

About Them: Jessica Stanley is a classmate of Bella Swan and her first friend in Forks, Washington. She is the one eager to spill all of the “news” about the Cullen family and inform Bella about them on her first day at school. Jessica has a shallow personality that is centered around herself and is more interested in Bella's popularity as the new girl than Bella's actual character and person. Jessica is sometimes very jealous of Mike's unwanted affections toward Bella. Jessica finally does get Mike to go out with her but the relationship is rocky at best and dos not last. In Midnight Sun, Edward over hears in Jessica’s head that her thoughts toward Bella are actually quite rude-showing that she only befriended Bella to share in her attention due to being the “shinny new toy.” Jessica is known as a "chatterbox" and has curly dark hair. She and Bella have a falling out in New Moon due to Bella's depression over Edward's departure as Jessica thinks Bella should come to grips instead of consoling her as a friend. However, their friendship ends on a good note at graduation during. Jessica appears briefly as a guest at Bella and Edward's wedding, which she attends with Mike.

Actor Biography

Name: Anna Kendrick

Nick Name(s): None

Date of Birth: August 9th 1985

Height: 5’ 4”

Hair: Light Brunette

Eye Color: Blue-Green

Fun Fact: She is the second youngest Tony nominee (after the 1991 Tony winner in the same category-Daisy Eagan) in history.

Hometown(s): Portland, Maine

Career: Anna Kendrick says she "caught the [acting] bug" at the age of ten, when her parents started driving her from her hometown of Portland, Maine to New York so that she could attend auditions. Anna started off on stage with an appearance as Dinah in the Broadway musical High Society, which earned her Theatre World Award, Drama Desk Award and Tony Award nominations. Afterward, she featured in a number of other theatre productions, including the musical A Little Night Music. Anna then hit the big screen in 2003 in musical comedy Camp, where she acted as Fritzi Wagner. In 2007 she appeared in Rocket Science, in which she portrayed Ginny Ryerson, a fast-talking high school debater. Kendrick found the role intimidating and challenging after watching an actual national collegiate championship debate, but her performance was highly praised by critics. Anna then landed the role of Jessica Stanley in Twilight which caused the beginning of a new phenomenon. Kendrick is featuring in the upcoming 2009 film Elsewhere, the theatre play The Marc Pease Experience, and the movies Up in the Air and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Anna is anticipated to reprise as Jessica Stanley in New Moon.

About Them: Anna Kendirck says she is inspired by fearless women in comedy-with some of her favorites being Parker Posey, Molly Shannon, and Amy Poehler. Anna's favorite film character to date is Sylvia Fowler in The Women (1939), played by Rosalind Russell. Kenrick was nominated for Best Supporting Actress - 2007 Independent Spirit Award for her role in Rocket Science. She has an older brother, Michael Cooke Kendrick, who is also an actor. Her manager, Kim Matuka, at Online Talent Group, has been working with her exclusively since the age of 10. "I always knew Anna was just took a little longer for the industry to realize that."
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Jessica Stanley
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