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 Bily Black - Gil Birmingham

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Admin & Vamyprė

Pranešimų skaičius : 93
Join date : 2009-04-04
Age : 26
Miestas : Alytus.

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Bily Black - Gil Birmingham   Bily Black - Gil Birmingham Icon_minitimePen. 04 10, 2009 4:08 pm

The Character

Name: Billy Black

Type: Human

Special Ability: None

About Them: Billy Black is Jacob Black's father, was born and raised in La Push, Washington, and is an elder of the Quileute tribe. Billy Black is described as being heavyset, having a wrinkled face and russet skin. He is confined to his wheelchair due to his diabetes and has black hair and black eyes. His other family members include his two twin daughters, Rachel and Rebecca, and his deceased wife, Sarah. Billy Black is a direct descended from the last chief of the Quileute tribe, Ephraim Black, who was his grandfather and leader of the last werewolf pack. One of Billy's best friends in Forks, Washington is Charlie Swan. During the saga Billy bribes Jacob to try to convince Bella to break up with Edward and warns Bella in other various ways to stay away from the Cullen family. He is a quiet, respectful man with a big heart. Few things escape his watchful eyes and understanding glare. He keeps Bella away from Jacob during his transformation but cannot keep them apart once Bella knows what is happening.

Actor Biography

Name: Gil Birmingham

Nick Name(s): None

Date of Birth: July 13th 1966

Height: Unknown

Hair: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Fun Fact: Considers his job as an honor to play Native American roles

Hometown(s): San Antonio, Texas

Career: Gil hit the screen with several roles in popular dramas of the day in the late 80’s to the mid 90’s. Those shows included Riptide, Falcon Crest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Night Man, and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. The vast majority, if not all, of Gil’s roles have been those of Native Americans. His major motion picture credits include The Doe Boy, Skins, Gentle Ben, Gentle Ben 2, Into the West, End of the Spear, Love’s Long Journey, and Twilight. His next roles include Love Ranch and the anticipated New Moon. Gil continues to stay true to his heritage and provide the best resemblance to them that he can possibly give.

About Them: Gil Birmingham was born to a Native American father, who was a Comanche, and a non-native mother. He was born on a military base in San Antonio, Texas and became the oldest of five children. While growing up, Gil and his family constantly moved around the country, which put quite a strain on his family and friend relationships. At 14 Gil was sent to live in a home for troubled boys, never to live with his family again. Gil attended USC and received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, as well as utilizing an ongoing acting career. He has been a guitar player since he was ten and loves playing the works of Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix. His musical tastes range from Sting, Seal, Allman Brothers, Dave Mathews, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, to Maroon 5, Moby, Natalie Imbruglia, Nora Jones, Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Willie Nelson, and Bob Marley.

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